
Neoplatonism is a philosophical system that emerged in the 3rd century AD, developed by Plotinus and further elaborated by his successors such as Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus. It seeks to synthesize the ideas of Plato with a new set of metaphysical and religious interpretations. Neoplatonism had a profound influence on the development of Christian theology, Islamic philosophy, and the Renaissance thought, bridging the classical world and the early Christian and medieval periods.

Key Concepts of Neoplatonism

  • The One or The Good: At the apex of the Neoplatonic hierarchy is The One (also referred to as The Good), an ineffable and transcendent source of all reality. The One is beyond being and non-being, thought, or description, and from it emanates the Nous (Intellect or Divine Mind), the world of Forms or Ideas.
  • Nous: The Nous is the first emanation from The One and is the realm of perfect forms and the first principle of consciousness. It is where the Platonic forms reside, existing as thoughts within the divine mind. The Nous gives rise to the Soul (or World Soul), linking the intelligible and sensible worlds.
  • The Soul/World Soul: Emanating from the Nous, the Soul is responsible for the life force and order in the material world. Neoplatonism posits a World Soul that animates the universe and individual souls that partake in the rationality of the Nous. The descent of the soul into the body and the material world is seen as a fall from the intelligible realm, leading to a forgetfulness of its divine origin.
  • Matter and Evil: In Neoplatonism, matter is considered the lowest level of reality and the furthest emanation from The One. It is often associated with limitation, ignorance, and evil—not as positive entities but as privations or the absence of good and being.
  • The Ascent of the Soul: Central to Neoplatonism is the idea of the soul’s return or ascent to the divine. This spiritual journey involves purification, philosophical contemplation, and the practice of virtues, culminating in mystical union with The One. This ascent is facilitated by the practice of theurgy, a form of ritual magic that invokes divine powers, in some later Neoplatonic thought.


Neoplatonism significantly influenced early Christian theologians like Augustine of Hippo, who integrated Neoplatonic concepts into Christian doctrine. It also impacted Jewish and Islamic mystical traditions, and later, the Renaissance revival of Platonic themes. The metaphysical framework of Neoplatonism, with its emphasis on unity, transcendence, and the hierarchy of being, continued to shape philosophical, theological, and mystical thought well into the modern era.

Through its rich synthesis of Platonic philosophy with mystical and religious elements, Neoplatonism represents a crucial bridge between ancient philosophy and later Western and Islamic metaphysical and spiritual traditions.

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